My journey

A journey through the eyes of a college student:
I am a Psychology major at Seattle University, I nanny for the most beautiful children, and when I am not knee deep in homework or spending time with friends, I am researching the latest fashion trends.
This blog is a way for me to express myself through my passion for fashion, ideas that go through my head, and my adventures through life. So, check it out and you may learn a thing or two that interests you!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

green rain boots


boots: nordstrom, jeans: zara, flannel: rue21, sweater: h&m, belt: gift

I bought these babies just in time. Yesterday I decided I needed a pair of rain boots, and so I exchanged my red toms I got for christmas and got myself a pair of green rain boots, and goodness was that a wonderful decision on my part. Not only are they incredibly comfortable, they also work quite nicely in Seattle. Today when I left for class it was POURING, and six hours later when I returned home from work, it was still POURING... but my feet stayed warm and dry. So, I am one happy camper, and stoked about my purchase. {hip hip hooray}

I finally mastered a bun I like as well. Which is just wonderful because it is easy to do AND looks cute {if I do say so myself}!!!

Also, today was the first day of class. I was not too excited about the whole, getting up early and going to class, when i've spent the last three weeks lounging around. I really {really} like my new french teacher though, so I'm pretty excited about this quarter.

I am so dang frustrated that I cannot figure out how to make the pictures above ^^ smaller so that they don't expand into my side bars. I will get to the bottom of it, but until then, bare with me please.

Au Revoir <3

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

new years eve: sassy cheetah dress and black lace up heels

shoes: famous footwear, tights: ross, cheetah dress: small boutique in spain

New years eve was one poppin' night, heck yes!! The theme for me was {sassy}. Is my dress not sassy or what? I felt hyper, energetic and a bit sarcastic in the bad boy, and it was quite the hit. Goodness did we all have an incredibly good time. The Lopez's really know how to throw a party {thank you thank you for the wonderful accommodations} and I'm pretty sure every person enjoyed their night. We started it off with a delicious dinner made by the fantastic Melissa Rockwood, and then friends showed up to prefunk before heading to the Lopez's.

This was the first year that the Levy's all did something different {or at least that was the plan, until my parents followed me to the party} but none the less, it was nice having dinner together before we ventured our own ways. It was a great night and everyone enjoyed themselves quite nicely. It was so wonderful seeing old and new friends all in one place and catching up with everyone on my second to last night. Bringing in the new year with everyone I love was just fantastic and I wouldn't have imagined it any other way.

Here is to a new year. here is to 2012, and all the wonderful things it will bring.
What did you guys do for your new years? Celebrate with the ones you love? I sure hope so!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

heels for days

shoes: famous footwear, jeggings: spain, shirt: nordstrom, belt: old navy, jacket: old navy
{not a big fan of taking pictures inside, but it was already dark by the time my "photographer" got home, so we had to settle with the only semi plain background in the house}

Christmas break is almost over and I don't think I am ready to be back to reality. I have fully enjoyed my time catching up on TV shows, laying in my comfy pants and spending time with the family. On the flip side, I am incredibly excited to be back in the city {I am missing my skyscrapers and busy streets} and fairly excited to start school again. I am taking some really interesting classes this quarter and I am excited to engage my brain again. This break has left my brain feeling slightly foggy, considering I have hardly had to lift a pencil or learn something new. Every time I make the transition back and forth for holidays between what use to be my home in Idaho and where I currently live in Seattle stirs up emotions. The moments at home are bitter sweet, but this isn't my home anymore, and I sometimes forget that.
"never look back but never forget, all the ones you loved and the place you left"- rascal flatts
I think it is time to go type up my new years resolutions, so that I can have my goals set, my plans made and be able to look forward to the future.
... here is too the new year... cheers :)

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

gym day

shoes: nordstrom, socks: pimkie [spain], pants: zara, tank top: h&m, shirt: rue21, belt: gift, coat: old navy

{the snow has disappeared and been replaced with yucky rain. it was even warm enough to take off my jacket and take pictures... goodness Moscow weather, you are very confusing}

It's hump day!!! and today I finally got back to the gym... hip hip hooray! Although I am a bit bummed because we were suppose to be spending the day on the ski slopes, but due to the horrible weather we are experiencing, our trip was postponed. eek. While at the gym though, I was not ready to tackle the mass amounts of cardio that I need to do, but I did hit the weights with my awesome workout partner Anne, and we felt quite accomplished by the end of it.

I have noticed that not many women spend a lot of time downstairs in the weight area at gyms, they are usually up on the cardio machines. With that being said, Anne and I have finally become comfortable enough to work out with the big guys, and I'd say we fit in quite nicely ;] Following the gym, we hit up one of our favorite lunch places in Moscow {the COOP} for a healthy little salad and marinated tofu... yum!

Also, for national news... tonight is Decoded night, so make sure to check out History Channel at either 7pm or 10pm to watch my daddy light up the screen!

xo me

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

2011 has come and gone

shoes: gift from my brother, leg warmers: pimkie in spain, jeans: zara, sweater: nordstrom, jacket: pimkie
[spain], scarf: cute boutique [spain]

It is that time of year again when we begin to brainstorm our new years resolutions and decide we want to change about the new year, what we want to leave in the past and what we want to take with us in the future. Here is a list of 5 things I want to change in the year 2012 and 5 things I want to take with me.

things to change:
  1. the amount of miles I can run-- I am planning on running a half marathon, so I need to be able to run more than 6 miles... eek.
  2. the amount of weight I can squat and lift. My trainer is hopefully going to kick my butt in [more] gear at the new year.
  3. the amount of money I spend on little things that are not as important-- it is time to save up for a new camera and kindlefire. yahoo.
  4. my grade point average. I will really enjoy if that little number continues to increase with these next two quarters of college.
  5. my dirtiness of my room. I am going to try and keep that baby clean, or at least try to not let things remain on my floor for more than one day ;]
things that will stay the same:
  1. my mother's health. she can only go up from here-- no more sickness. just healthiness. hip hip hooray!
  2. my drive and motivation to continue to work hard and stay healthy. I want my dedication to my work outs to remain consistent and productive.
  3. my relationship with friends. they are incredibly strong and loving right now and I want them to remain that way for the 2012 year.
  4. my hair color. I am really enjoying being a blonde, so that is going to stay the same :]
  5. my love for children. I absolutely adore the children I nanny, and I plan to continue having strong relationships with them and their families.
Here is to a new year, with lots of laughter, love and health.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

A New Adventure

I am writing out of confusion and hope. Worry and pain. Love and support. Trust and Faith. I am writing because I don't know any other way to express my feelings. Life is confusing right now. I am thinking back to the day before we found out my mom was sick, and thinking now about how much has changed. When going about my daily life I think of the "normal-ness" to it all, and how that hasn't changed, but then I think of the relationships I have with my family and how much has changed. I am still attending school, going to work and living in Seattle, but the normal-ness of my life is gone. I have the constant worry that the doctors will tell us bad news, I have the constant hope that my mom will progressively get better and that this will all go away, and I have the constant knowledge that the love that has been coming our way is beautiful and real. But this doesn't always help. I still feel uneasy, I still cry at random thoughts and I still feel numb.

Cancer is ugly. Cancer is painful. Cancer is invisible. Cancer does shocking things. Cancer is consuming my family.

My mother is a fighter. I hope to one day grow up and be just like her (minus the cancer part!) Until you actually see it, you don't completely understand the strength my mom has. I remember sitting in the hospital waiting room being told by the brain surgeon that we should be very proud of my mom because she was a trooper in the OR. At the time I didn't understand the magnitude of what she accomplished but in the following days I learned of her strength and courage. She later told me, "I don't feel strong and I don't feel important. I didn't do anything spectacular, I just did what the doctors asked" But by doing so, she became "brain tumor free" and that is all we could have asked from her.

Each day I look at my mother and I think of her beauty. I think of her loyalty and love. I think of all the times she has picked me up when I have fallen, and all of the times she told me to stop being dumb and get over it... and only once in a while was she right ;) My mom is doing what she needs to do to get better. When you look at the machines she has to sit in, the holes that are put into her head, the tests after tests after tests that are run over her body, you would think "wow that would suck, I can't even imagine" and although it totally and completely does, my mom looks at is as just another daily activity on her way to recovery. These are the steps that we MUST take, there are no "ifs" "ands" or "buts" about it, it just simply is.

Yet life continues to move. It has already been three weeks since mom has been in Seattle, and although some days blend more than others, I continue to move on. I go to school, I go to work, I clean my house (sometimes), I do my homework, I see my boyfriend, I talk with friends, I facebook, I email, I talk or text on the phone (to much), and I continue to live. I love my family, I constantly check up, I hope, pray and wish. It is unbelievable the emotions you develop when dealing with cancer, but also the emotions that DON'T appear when you think they should. Life is complicated, it is ugly and it is beautiful. I will continue to work, play and love, I will continue to smile and cry. I will love my family forever.

Until I see them again,
I will continue to write my papers for finals week-- yuck, yuck, yuck.